I Need Help Blogging Community

I’m thinking about trying this new website out called See Me. (http://cameronchristensen.see.me/) Its a website that helps artists get exposure. Since that is one of the most important steps as an artist, exposure, would you mind clicking on the link and supporting me? This way I know if there is enough people out there that would support me. I would love to continue sharing my art with people around the world. Here is the link again. http://cameronchristensen.see.me/

Just click on it and it should take you there.

Sincerely Cam

11 thoughts on “I Need Help Blogging Community

  1. Reblogged this on sarahjaneprosetry and commented:
    I’m calling on you, my readers, to help. Please take a minute to support this artist. I believe in him. He wants to change the world by creating beauty in it. Let us help him.

  2. shared/supported on twitter…dont have fb…i know, in this day and age…
    hope it will help you, you are an insoiration and your work is fantastic.
    wish you the best!!!

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